The light round the corner at the end of the tunnel

It’s been a bit of a dark time recently. I’ve been musing about what to do in the dark. The optimist will tell me that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. The cynic will tell me the lights are only from a train coming the other way. Tunnels are definitely not somewhere to stay – they are meant for passing through from A to B, on our way somewhere, we plunge into the dark in order to avoid having to navigate steep, inhospitable hills or mountains that would pose a different set of problems, we are not meant to get stuck in a tunnel, they are inhospitable places. If we decide not to stop, we only have two choices: go back to where we came from or keep moving forward, one step at a time. Though the tunnel may seem endless, and the light still not visible, each step will take us closer to that pinprick of light in the distance, and eventually to emerge into full light on the other side.

‘Keep on keeping on’, I think the phrase goes, and the one good thing to hold on to is that I am never, ever alone in the dark. Even if I can’t see my hand in front of my face, I can trust that God is still with me.